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to be at the end of one’s rope
这个我是真的不知道了  detail>>
rope end
(打人的)鞭子。   detail>>
(笞刑用的)鞭子。  detail>>
one end, the other end
一头, 另一头  detail>>
fixing end of towing rope
拖缆定端  detail>>
make a knot at the end of the rope
在绳头上打个结  detail>>
tapered end rope
渐细索  detail>>
grip the rope with one
用嘴咬住绳子  detail>>
one-strand rope
单股钢索  detail>>
beam fixed at one end
一端固定梁  detail>>
beam with one overhanging end
悬臂梁  detail>>
heavy-at-one-end desk
一头沉桌  detail>>
it is pointed at one end
它的一端是尖的  detail>>
lift one end of car
顶车  detail>>
one end hook spanner
一头钩状扳手  detail>>
one end hoooff
一头箍脱落  detail>>
one end thread
一端带螺纹  detail>>
one end thread (oet)
一端带螺纹  detail>>